Both these laptops come with a 4 side nanoise display, which has a screen to body ratio of 90 per cent and has a compact metal 13.9mm body. The Zenbook 13 and Zenbook 14 weigh 1.07 and 1.13 grams. Both laptops will get features such as ergonomics design featuring numberpad, edge to edge ergonomics keyboards, cooling and sound quality. The ZenBook 13 offers a 13.3-inch full HD display, while the ZenBook 14 has a 14-inch full display. The laptop will come with 300 nits brightness, 100 percent sRGB, 1920/1080 pixel resolution. It has a 10th generation Intel Core i7 processor and Iris Plus graphics. 16GB RAM will be supported as storage. The laptop will get a 67Wh lithium battery, which will come with a 22-hour powerback. For connectivity, two Thunderbolt 3 ports, a USB 3.2 Type-A port and an HDMI port will be available.
Zenbook s14
Asus VivoBook S14 will get 14 inch full HD LED blacklit display, which comes with screen resolution 1020/1080 pixels. The laptop will get the support of NVIDIA GeForce MX250 along with 10th generation Intel Core i7-10510U processor. The laptop will get 8GB RAM and 512GB storage. It will have a 50Wh 3-cell lithium-polymer battery.
Asus VivoBook K14 laptop will have a 14-inch full HD LED screen, which will have a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.. It will get the 10th generation Intel Core i5-10210U processor as well as the Intel UHD Graphics 620. The laptop will get 8GB RAM and 512GB storage. 42Wh 3-cell lithium-polymer battery has been provided in the laptop as a power backup.
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