Realme 6i has been launched in two storage options 4GB + 64GB and 6GB + 64GB. Its base model is priced at Rs 12,999. At the same time, the high end model of the phone costs Rs 14,999. At this price, the company has challenged its rival brand POCO's recently launched M2 Pro. The first sale of this smartphone will be held on July 31 on the e-commerce website Flipkart. Apart from this, it can also be purchased from the company's official store. The phone comes in two color options Lunar White and Eclipse Blue.
Realme 6i features
Talk about the features of Realme 6i. It comes with a 6.5-inch ultra smooth display panel, which has a refresh rate of 90Hz. The phone comes with MediaTek Helio G90T SoC. That is, the gaming lovers will also like this phone. Quad rear camera set-up is given in the back of the phone. Its primary sensor is given 48MP. Apart from this, 8MP ultra wide sensor has been given with 119 degree field of view. The phone has 2MP micro and prototype sensors.
The phone has a punch-hole selfie camera like other devices of this series. The phone has a 16MP selfie camera. To give power to the phone, a battery of 4,300mAh is provided. The phone has 30W flash charging support. However, the phone comes with a 20W charging adapter. This phone runs on the Realme UI operating system based on Android 10. USB Type C charging port is used in the phone. The phone comes with dual 4G VoLTE and dedicated memory card slot.
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