Users are eagerly waiting for the launch of Apple's upcoming series iPhone 12. New leaks and revelations are coming out on the day of iPhone 12. So far, information about its many features has been shared. Recently, a tipster revealed its launch date, informing that this device will be launched on 8 September. But now a new report has surfaced about its launch date, that for this users will have to wait a little longer.
Apple's CFO Luca Maestri has clarified that the iPhone 11 was launched in September last year, but this time users will have to wait for the iPhone 12. However, no information was given about what is the reason behind officially extending the launch date. But some reports say that the launch event of iPhone 12 has been postponed due to the delay in production. At the same time, some reports also said that the company will launch the iPhone 12 series in October this time instead of September.
According to leaks and reports revealed so far, a 5.4-inch display can be given in the iPhone 12. This will be the company's compact design device in which users can get the facility of wide notch. The upcoming device can be introduced on iOS 14. It may have the facility of zoom feature support.
Apart from this, leaks have also surfaced regarding the price of Apple's upcoming device iPhone 12. In which it was told that the entry level model of iPhone 12 will cost 50 dollars more than the iPhone 11. According to the report, the price of 5.4 inch model of iPhone 12 will be $ 749 i.e. about Rs 56,300. Which is 50 dollars more than the iPhone 11.
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