OnePlus Nord has recently been launched in the Indian market. This smartphone will be made available for sale from August 4 for the first time. But if you want, you can buy this smartphone in a pop-up sale starting on July 27. To register in the pop-up, you will have to go to the company's site and create a new avatar of OnePlus Nord. The company has started taking registrations for the pop-up sale which will run till 26 July. The first and second sale of the smartphone will be held for Red Label Club members only. While other customers will be able to participate in the third sale to be held on July 29. By the way, OnePlus Nord is available for sale on the company's official website in India as well as Amazon India.
This is how you will register in a pop-up cell
To register in OnePlus Nord's pop-cell, you will have to create a new avatar by visiting the company's site. This avatar has to be shared on the Instagram account with the hashtag #NordPopUp. Only after sharing this, you will get an Invitation Code for the pop-up sale. Explain that apart from Instagram, you will also have to share this avatar on OnePlus account on the company's site.
The company's site has been informed that the first pop-up sale will begin on July 27. While the second pop-up will be held on July 28. Both these cells will be available exclusively for Red Cable Club members. For others, the third and fourth cells will be held on July 29 and 30. It has also been clarified that only the initial 100 people will receive the Invitation Code.
Sale will start from August 4
OnePlus Nord will usually be made available for sale from August 4. Users will be able to buy it from Amazon and This smartphone is available in 8GB and 12GB two RAM options. If you look at its price, the 8GB + 128GB variant of the phone is priced at Rs 27,999. While the price of 12GB + 256GB storage model is Rs 29,999. Let us know that the company is also about to launch its 6GB + 64GB variant in September and has revealed its price before the launch. This variant will be available at a price of Rs 24,999.
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