Oppo F15 was launched in the Indian market in January this year and till now this smartphone was only available in 8GB + 128GB storage model. At the same time, the new storage variant of this smartphone has been launched in India and it has 4GB + 128GB internal store. This smartphone has been listed on the e-commerce website Amazon. However, its price has not yet been disclosed on Amazon. But in the report revealed through Leaks, this smartphone will be available for a price of Rs 16,990.
Mumbai retailer Mahesh Telecom has revealed the price of the 4GB + 128GB model of Oppo F15 through a tweet. It has been informed in the tweet that this model will be available in India for Rs 16,990. However, no information about its availability has been revealed yet. But after the listing on Amazon, it is being speculated that it will be made available for sale soon.
Oppo F15 specifications and features
Apart from storage, no other feature has been changed in Oppo F15. This smartphone based on Android 9 Pie OS has a 6.4-inch full HD + AMOLED display. Its screen resolution is 1,080x2,400 pixels. This smartphone works on the MediaTek Helio P70 chipset. For graphics, Mali G72 MP3 GPU has been given in it. Storage available in it can be expanded.
In Oppo F15, users will get the facility of quad rear camera setup. It has a 48MP primary sensor. While 8MP ultra wide angle lens, 2MP portrait lens and 2MP monochrome sensor are present. For selfie enthusiasts, this smartphone will get a 16MP front camera with a notch display. Talking about power backup, it has a battery of 4,000mAh. Which comes with VOOC 3.0 fast charging technology.
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