Recently, a report revealed that Samsung's upcoming smartphone Galaxy S20 Fan Edition can be launched on 2 September. The company can launch it in the name of Galaxy S20 Fan Edition or Galaxy S20 Lite. At the same time, the report revealed that this smartphone will have a battery of 4,500mAh. Apart from this, it can be launched in not one or two but four color options. However, officially the company has not shared any information about it.
The website has claimed that the Samsung Galaxy S20 Fan Edition will be launched in Europe in four color variants. It includes red, green, orange and white colors. According to the report, the model number of the battery used in this smartphone is EB-BG781ABY and it is estimated that it will be given 4,500mAh battery. Because earlier this same battery has been used in Galaxy S20 +. This smartphone will be launched in the European market at the moment. Some reports have said that the company can launch it in only two color variants.
Earlier leaks were reported that a refresh rate of 120Hz will be available in Fan Edition or Galaxy S20 Lite. In this smartphone, users will get 6GB of RAM and it will be IP68 Certi Fide. At the same time it was claimed by a tipster that the upcoming smartphone can be introduced on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset and will be launched in the market with a very attractive price. The company has not yet shared any information about the Galaxy S20 Fan Edition, but according to Leaks, the company can present it at the Life Unstoppable event on September 2.
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