Electronic product manufacturer Samsung has launched a long range of Ultra High Definition Business TV in India. This UHD Business TV is available in four screen sizes 43-inch, 50-inch, 55-inch and 70-inch. They cost between Rs 75,000 and Rs 175,000. All these business TVs come with a three-year warranty. The Samsung Business TV is capable of running continuously for 16 hours a day and also has an on / off timer to operate automatically during business hours. The new TV range is designed keeping in mind consumers like restaurants, retail stores, shopping complexes, salons etc.
The TV comes with more than 100 preloaded free templates from Samsung Business TV with very simple software, attractive content and no hidden cost, allowing users to create their own content. These specific templates include vertical orientation, promotions for displaying content with TV programs, motion-embedded, seasonal sales, and other pre-designs for business perfect visuals for various opportunities.
According to Samsung, Ultra High Definition displays can feature high quality content, which will help small and medium enterprises attract more customers. In addition to customizable free templates, Samsung Business TV apps also provide the facility to manage content remotely. This app also helps in easy DIY installation of TV. After downloading the Business TV app, the user's devices automatically connect to the TV and are ready for immediate use. This content management app helps in uploading content easily.
Special features
Easy Installation: Samsung Business TV comes with a 3 Step Easy Installation Guide, which automatically initiates when the user turns on the TV. Furthermore, television does not require any additional cost or IT support for installation or use.
Easy to use: Available for both Android and iOS devices, Samsung Business TV apps allow users to remotely manage and control content through their smartphones.
Easy Content Creation and Management: Samsung Business TV comes with more than 100 preloaded content templates, leading to vertical orientation, L-bar layouts, motion-embedded, seasonal sales, and other pre-design promotions and advertisements for DIY content management. . These templates allow the user to edit, modify and finalize and implement content in various displays.
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