Oppo has finally launched the 125W flash charge technology in the market after a long wait. Which can charge up to 41 percent of a 4,000mAh battery in 5 minutes. While it will take only 20 minutes to be fully charged. The company has also launched a 65W charger along with 125W flash charge. Also, 50W Mini SuperVOOC and 110W Mini Flash Charger have also been launched in the market. The company claims that 125W flash charge technology is significantly faster than 65W AirVOOC wireless technology.
Oppo has set a new record in the field of charging technology by introducing 125W flash charge technology. The new technology comes with a bi-cell design to reduce the voltage of the double cell for faster charging of charge pumps. The smartphone manufacturer has developed custom chips to enable fast charging. These chips include a VCU intelligent control chip, AC / DC control chip, MCU charge management, chipset, BMS battery management chip and a custom protocol chipset. All these are needed to provide quick charge support to the smartphone.
The company says that the 4000mAh battery can be charged 41 percent in just five minutes using a 125W fast charge. While this battery will be fully charged in 20 minutes. This charger has 20V 6.25A power support. There are also 10 temperature indicators that tell about charging.
Speaking of 65W AirVOOC wireless charging, it is the world’s first 65W fast charger. Which is capable of full charge of 4000mAh battery in 30 minutes. Earlier in April last year, the company launched the 40W AirVOOC charger. The upgraded version is the 65W AirVOOC Wireless Charger. The company claims that five fold safety protections have been given in the new wireless charging technology. Also, temperature control is also present in them.
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